Affecting the Acceptance of Islamic Fintech: A Role of Religiosity
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Islamic Fintech, TAM, Technology Acceptance Model, Acceptance of Islamic Fintech, Islamic bankingÖzet
This study is aimed to develop the research model that examines the impact of determinants of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) on Acceptance of Islamic Fintech (AIF) with the help of mediating variable Attitude (ATT) and Behavioral Intention (BI) along with moderating effect of Religiosity (R). The study used the quantitative approach and data has been collected from 318 respondents of Islamic Bank Users’ who use Islamic bank’s internet banking. The data collection from respondents is based on contextual settings of Karachi by using non probability sampling technique specifically convenience sampling through a survey questionnaire which is based on likert scale. Nevertheless, the findings of the study reveals that the CI, SE, PU, SN significantly impact the ATT towards BI. However, PEU insignificantly impact the ATT also the moderating variable Religious (R) has insignificant impact on ATT and BI headed for AIF.
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