This research aims to comprehensively describe the implementation and development of the Islamic economic system in Indonesia. This research method is qualitative research with a literature review approach. The data sources used are scientific journals, books, research reports, conference articles, and official documents related to the Islamic economic system in Indonesia. This research concludes that the Indonesian economic system faces various challenges that require a holistic and integrated approach. Economic inequality, inadequate infrastructure, complicated regulations, dependence on natural resources, and the quality of education and health are some of the main problems that need to be addressed. Despite significant efforts by the government and various parties to overcome these problems, much remains to be done to achieve inclusive, sustainable, and fair economic growth for all Indonesians. The development of the Islamic economic system in Indonesia shows a positive and dynamic trend. Even though it still faces challenges such as low financial literacy and competition with conventional systems, the prospects for the Islamic economy in Indonesia remain bright, with great potential to make a significant contribution to the welfare of society. Reviewing the Islamic economic system in Indonesia in a contemporary context is essential to understanding how Islamic economic principles are applied and developed in a dynamic economic and social environment. It helps identify existing challenges and opportunities and provides insight into how Sharia economics can contribute to more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable economic development in Indonesia. Thus, the implications of this research are relevant to the development of Islamic economic theory and have a significant practical impact on public policy and business practice.
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