Research Results, Data Analysis, DISCUSSION (The Effect of Ratings on Increasing Online Sales at Lazada Based on Sharia Marketing, The Influence of Packaging on Increasing Online Sales at Lazada Based on Sharia Marketing, The Influence of Brand Image on Increasing Online Sales at Lazada Based on Sharia Marketing, Simultaneous Influence of Rating, Packaging, Brand Image on Increasing Online Sales at Lazada Based on Sharia Marketing


  • Santi Nailul Izaty UIN K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan
  • Pratomo Cahyo KURNIAWAN
  • Santi Nailul IZATY
  • Fenti FEBRIANI




Rating, Packaging, Brand Image, and Increase of Sales


In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital commerce, this study meticulously examines the impact of three critical factors product ratings, packaging quality, and brand image-on Lazada's online sales growth, viewed through the innovative lens of Sharia marketing principles. Employing a rigorous quantitative approach, data was collected from a sample of 108 Pekalongan students, all active Lazada users, selected via random sampling. The research utilized SPSS 26 for comprehensive data analysis, encompassing quality tests, classical assumption checks, multiple linear regression, and hypothesis testing. The results reveal compelling insights. Product ratings significantly influence consumer purchasing decisions, serving as a crucial trust indicator in the digital marketplace. Packaging quality emerges as a key factor, not only ensuring product safety but also enhancing aesthetic appeal, thereby driving sales. Brand image proves pivotal in shaping consumer perceptions and fostering loyalty, contributing substantially to sales growth. The study concludes that these three elements ratings, packaging, and brand image individually and collectively exert a positive and significant influence on Lazada's online sales performance. These findings offer valuable insights for e-commerce platforms seeking to optimize their strategies within the framework of Sharia-compliant marketing practices. By leveraging these factors, businesses can potentially revolutionize their approach to Islamic digital commerce, enhancing customer satisfaction and driving sustainable growth in the competitive online marketplace.


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How to Cite

Santi Nailul Izaty, KURNIAWAN, P. C., FATINNABILA, J. N., IZATY, S. N., & FEBRIANI , F. (2024). OPTIMIZING LAZADA’S ONLINE SALES PERFORMANCE: EXAMINING RATING, PACKAGING AND BRAND IMAGE FACTORS IN THE SHARIA MARKETING FRAMEWORK : Research Results, Data Analysis, DISCUSSION (The Effect of Ratings on Increasing Online Sales at Lazada Based on Sharia Marketing, The Influence of Packaging on Increasing Online Sales at Lazada Based on Sharia Marketing, The Influence of Brand Image on Increasing Online Sales at Lazada Based on Sharia Marketing, Simultaneous Influence of Rating, Packaging, Brand Image on Increasing Online Sales at Lazada Based on Sharia Marketing. ASES INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMY (ISSN: 3023-5634), 2(1). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12568489